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Country Estates Homeowner Association
& Backus Estates Residents

The purpose of this page is to inform you and communicate our fight against Oak Wilt in our subdivisions.

        Country Estates Recreational Association


As of Sept. 15th, we are 95% completed, have some small items to complete the Project.

We will schedule a follow up meeting to review the overall project when completed. I want to thank all the committee members that help make this project happen and thank the Neighbors that donated to that success.

Susan Smith, Bill Richter, Troy Belver, Jon Ogden, Molly McDonald, Danny Dever and others that offered man power and equipment to make this happen. It was a tremendous amount of work in the trenches, thank you all.

        Sept. 2, 2024   - MAP AREA 1  -  COMPLETED
Greetings All. As you may have noticed, the trenching has begun. So far it's been a mixed bag with some areas trenching smoothly, some solid rock. The machine is up to the challenge.    

Since our original planned/approved route was scuttled the day before the machine arrived, the logistics have become a bit sticky. The alternative route we were forced to accept has its own challenges, the surrounding property owners are willing to cooperate but not without further concessions, which mean more delays / more money to keep moving forward! We will make this happen!  We have completed the front area and will move to the back and start after Labor Day starting at Valerie Morrison's place.  Anyone who wants to be more involved, feel free to come forward.  We will definitely need volunteers to do some finishing work ( picking up small to med. sized rocks, and raking soil). Will post updates, but grab a rake and lend a hand.  Map 1 was estimated at 2,000 ft. of trenching, with the changes, it turned out to be approximately 2,430 ft. and ate up 85 rock saw teeth to complete map 1.
  The main thing is it's happening, send positive thoughts and money to CE-HOA! 

Moving towards the back to do Map 2 and Map 3.

------- OAK  WILT  PROS   EQUIPMENT ------

Forestry Services  - APPROVED
Country Right-o-Way APPROVED, Scheduled to begin in August 20th.

Properties being trenched will need to sign off on the project before it can began. A committee member will contact you with the forms.
Scheduled to start early July. Budgets have been revised and we are short on our budget. We need your help to ensure we have adequate funding to complete the project. Please send your check TODAY.

THANK YOU - University Church of Christ & Grace Bible Church for being an example to the neighborhood
A trusted web site to educate you on all things dealing with Oak Wilt.

>>>> PLEASE DONATE <<<<<

ow do you define a neighbor?

UPDATED SEPT. 2nd,  2024

Marta Carrillo
Kevin Steed
Valerie Morrison
John & Marla Johnson
Dave Sherrerd
Glenn & Frances Longley
Joe B Millican
Chris & Priscilla Cost
Caitlin Cost
Jill Grossman
Jack & Virginia Eben
Rhonda White
Linda & James Sullenger
Robert & Mary Jo Patton
B.L Peevy
Andres & Stephine Reyes
Nancy Nusbaum
James Kelly
Glen Rydl
David & Vicki Roberts
Karla Lewis
Ron Daniels
Edward & Moneta Rios
Joe & Rosalba Merchant
Randy & Susan Garrison
Ruth Covin-Weeks
Edward & Gloria Suarez
Country Estates Recreational Association

  Donors  {Continued)
Sharon Peters
Timothy Walsh/ Helen Megan
Guy & Joyce Hennager
Jon Ogden/Molly McDonald
H & Margy Altenhoff
Charlene Viscardi
Lawrence Kearney
Linda Burkhardt
Troy & Carole Belver
Ralph & Cindy Meyer
Gary & Janet Aron
Laura & Joe Schneider
Patty Polk
Mike & Myra McCoy
Danny & Pam Dever
Susan Smith / Bill Ricker
Richard Kious / Rana Tobelmann
Brian & Cathy Allen
Donna Reagan
Cub & Carol Curtiss
Paula Williamson/Don Koehler
Jack & Annalisa Mutschlechner
Marilyn Gaddis/George Carruthers
Paul Sutphen
Bob & Cindy Gratz
Wesley Pair
Kathy & Troy Wallace
Andrew & Carol Gary
Elizabeth & Gary Loyd
Donald & Heather Brewer
William Nicola

Problem of Oak Wilt in Country Estates
In case you missed it, this information was shared at our neighborhood meeting on Monday,
April 29, which was well-attended.
Karl Flocke, the Texas A&M Forest Service oak wilt specialist for Hays County, provided
information on oak wilt disease and its transmission. He has recently identified multiple oak
wilt outbreaks in Country Estates. Karl discussed our unique situation as a neighborhood and
discussed management options, especially the use of trenching -- which has been done here
several times in the past 30 years.
Your working committee on this matter has solicited trenching contractor bids; we estimate
that the total cost of trenches needed at this time will be $45,000. To raise this sum, we ask
each homeowner to contribute $500. Larger or smaller donations will be gratefully accepted.
We need to raise our funding by the end of May to get this project off the ground. Delays will
cost us more trees and more money since trench lines will have to be extended.
FYI, commenters at the meeting acknowledged the terrible price to our neighborhood if
hundreds of oak trees die from this disease. Homeowners will face a huge expense of removing
multiple dead trees and a loss of value to affected properties. Please send your contribution
today! Your generous contribution is much appreciated!


Make check out to Country Estates Homeowner Association
Mail to:  712 Country Estates Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666

Want to thank all the residents that came to meetings, to learn more about Oak Wilt and what the neighborhood is doing to preserve our Oak Trees within our subdivision. 


PLEASE Read the attached e-mail from Karl Flocke, Texas A&M Forestry Service.

From: Flocke, Karl <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 4:37 PM
Subject: Oak Wilt

On February 2nd, 2024 I performed visual inspections for oak wilt on 13 properties in the Country Estates neighborhood of San Marcos.  Properties were only entered with the explicit permission of the landowner.  I was able to confirm a pattern of mortality and foliar symptoms indicating that the large oak wilt center between Mustang Lane and Palomino Lane has escaped containment trenches in two separate areas.  I was also able to identify a second area of mortality consistent with oak wilt near the intersection of Mustang Lane and Country Estates Drive. 

 I have attached 3 maps of the oak wilt areas (shown in red). 

Map 1

The yellow and black dashed line indicates where I would recommend trenching to maintain a distance of 100 feet from symptomatic trees, while simultaneously following the path of least resistance.  If the trench were placed as indicated it would be approximately 1700 feet long.  The trench could either go all the way around the mortality (to contain the disease), or the trench could be placed on one side, two sides, etc.  Our assessment is that trenches work approximately 70% of the time.  The remainder of the time oak wilt will “breakout” in one or more areas.  Exact placement of the trench can be determined by yourself and the trenching contractor as long as it is at least 100 feet away from oak wilt symptomatic trees.  Trees within the 100-ft barrier, especially those without symptoms, may be uprooted or cut down and removed to improve the barrier.

Trenches that have the ability to contain the oak wilt disease (as drawn on map) are potentially eligible for partial cost-share reimbursement by the Texas A&M Forest Service.  This trench may be eligible for a 40% match with a maximum cap of $4,500.  If you wish to pursue this option, please reach back out to me well in advance of trenching to apply for these funds.  

Map 2

The blue and black dashed lines indicates where I would recommend trenching to maintain a distance of 100 feet from symptomatic trees, while simultaneously following the path of least resistance.  If the trenches were placed as indicated they would be approximately 625 feet and 150 feet long.  The trench could either go all the way around the mortality (to contain the disease), or the trench could be placed on one side, two sides, etc.  Our assessment is that trenches work approximately 70% of the time.  The remainder of the time oak wilt will “breakout” in one or more areas.  Exact placement of the trench can be determined by yourself and the trenching contractor as long as it is at least 100 feet away from oak wilt symptomatic trees.  Trees within the 100-ft barrier, especially those without symptoms, may be uprooted or cut down and removed to improve the barrier.  These trenches would not be eligible for cost share reimbursement because the oak wilt mortality center is left uncontained in another area. 

Map 3

The blue and black dashed lines indicates where I would recommend trenching to maintain a distance of 100 feet from symptomatic trees, while simultaneously following the path of least resistance.  If the trenches were placed as indicated they would be approximately 1100 feet (west trench), 475 feet, and 510 feet long (east trenches).  You may wish to delay the installation of the 510 foot long trench to allow the oak wilt more time to approach the trench zone, potentially increasing its likelihood of success.  The trench could either go all the way around the mortality (to contain the disease), or the trench could be placed on one side, two sides, etc.  Our assessment is that trenches work approximately 70% of the time.  The remainder of the time oak wilt will “breakout” in one or more areas.  Exact placement of the trench can be determined by yourself and the trenching contractor as long as it is at least 100 feet away from oak wilt symptomatic trees.  Trees within the 100-ft barrier, especially those without symptoms, may be uprooted or cut down and removed to improve the barrier.  These trenches would not be eligible for cost share reimbursement because the oak wilt mortality center is still left uncontained in the middle. 

Special Note on Trenching

As discussed during our site visit there has been a long history of trenching in your neighborhood with mixed success.  Over the last 31 years the oak wilt center between Mustang and Palomino Lns has been trenched on four separate occasions for a grand total of approximately 1200 feet.  Including the current breakouts, oak wilt has escaped in approximately seven locations over the years.  This can be viewed as a 100% failure or a 99% success depending on your perspective.  Neighbors need to be aware of this issue and weigh the potential costs and success rates of all treatment actions (and inactions) when they make their decisions on how to proceed. 


Oak trees up to 150 feet away from the symptomatic trees are potential candidates for fungicide injection.  Injecting trees does not stop the spread of the disease, but it can attempt to preserve the canopy of the injected trees.  Often two injections are needed per tree, one now and one 1 ½ to 2 years from now.  There are a few different methods to inject trees, however we recommend “macro injection into the root flare”.  This method is described by going to  .  Injections performed with this method are about 80% effective.  If a trench is installed, trees outside of the trench line should not be injected with fungicide. 

The disease can spread about 75 feet per year.  I encourage you to monitor your trees to see if the disease is spreading.  More trees may need to be injected, or the trench location may need to be moved out, as the disease spreads.  Please keep your neighbors informed about the disease so that they may choose to trench or inject before oak wilt reaches their yards.

The website will have lists of arborists, injection companies, and trenching companies.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Karl Flocke

Woodland Ecologist III

6330 Hwy 290 E, Suite 115

Austin, TX 78723 | office 512-339-7807 |fax 512-339-6329


Letter-to-Residents.PDF  (you can download this PDF and print

Please send your contact information and consent for the TX Forestry Service to enter upon your property for Tree examination. Please take a close look at your Oak Trees and report back to

We are in the INSPECTION period currently

TX Forestry Service is scheduled to come out the first part of February to walk the concerned area and make recommendations for trenching (54" deep) cutting the connected root system to spreading to other trees. Previous efforts will be reviewed.

RECOMMENDATIONS & Funding needs assessed



Our Association is located at 712 Country Estates Drive, San Marcos, Texas 78666.
We are a non-profit organization, which offers summer memberships to residents  and NON-residents that do not live in the Country Estates Sub-division.

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